The Gilas Pilipinas gave it their all in the July 2nd match against the Dominican Republic. Even so, the team faltered and effectively lost what was supposed to be a sure win.
The Gilas’ Promise
This match was highly anticipated as the Gilas Pilipinas’ last shot at a position in the 2021 Summer Olympics. Hopes were high for the team after their 76-83 loss against Serbia, but it seems that the Gilas simply lost their momentum.
In their match against Serbia just a day prior, the underdogs played ferociously and nearly took home the win. It was because of this miraculous gameplay that Gilas fans thought that the DR game would be a breeze. The fans, and team alike, were sorely mistaken.
Amateur Hour
The recurring term throughout all the coverage of this game is “inexperience.” The team’s former coach Rajko Toroman has repeatedly stated that an ideal team would comprise a mix of seasoned PBA players and amateurs.
However, it appears that this game’s youthful lineup backfired as the Dominican Republic exposed every weak link on the court in a stunning 94-67 win against the Gilas.
This doesn’t negate the effort put in by team favorites like Jordan Heading. The team was able to hold up their opponents well into the third quarter, but DR pushed back with even greater might.
The Dominican Republic came back, crushing the Gila Pilipinas chances at international acclaim. The newly appointed Philippines’ coach Tab Baldwin conceded to the critics and said he agrees: every aspect of the team’s gameplay needs improvement.
“No excuses and not much to say about it other than that we were outplayed, outcoached, and outgunned.” – Tab Baldwin
Cooperation and Comradery Take Time
The team is incredibly young with players an average age of 22. Coupled with the re-hiring of Tab Baldwin in June of 2021, the team has a desperate need to get acquainted. The game against the Dominican Republic revealed a lack of cooperation among the Gilas Pilipinas.
Despite any flack caught by the team as a result of this brutal loss, they have immense potential and now know exactly what they need to work on. The fight they put up against Serbia certainly won’t be the last of the team’s notable games.
The youngsters have plenty of time to get acquainted with one another and come out on top as one of the best international teams in the next few years. It is certainly something to watch for on basketball betting lines.
However, the FIBA Asia Cup is just over a month away and several online sportsbooks already have odds posted for the tournament. Now the question is simply whether the Gilas Pilipinas have enough time to prepare before returning to the international stage.